Another view of Rennes

25 Jan

On dit que lorsqu’on passe beaucoup de temps dans une ville, on commence à ne plus voir toutes les merveilles qui existent toujours. Elles deviennent normales, peut-être banales. C’est soit au moment où on retourne après une absence, soit au moment où quelqu’un vient nous voir, qu’on voit de nouveau notre ville de la façon dont on l’a vue pour la première fois.

La semaine passée, mon copain est venu me rendre visite des Etats-Unis. Comme c’était son premier séjour en France, j’ai décidé de lui laisser mon appareil photo pour qu’il puisse nous montrer tous les petits coins de Rennes que je ne vois plus, ou bien que je n’ai jamais vus du tout. Les résultats de cette petite expérience étaient magnifiques !

They say that after you spend a lot of time in a city, you forget to notice all the marvels that exist around you. They become normal, even banal. It’s either once you return after a long absence, or once someone comes to visit that you see your city again the way you did the first time you saw it.

Last week, my boyfriend came to visit me from the United States. It was his first stay in France, so I decided to leave him my camera so that he could show us all the small corners of Rennes that I don’t see anymore, or that I might have never even seen at all. The results of this experiment were magnificent!

All photos are compliments of Dominic Colavito.

Voici quelques photos des beaux bâtiments qui se trouvent à travers Rennes.

I like this photo because I think the city feels timeless and classic.

I pass this building nearly everyday and forget to notice how grand it truly is.

What he loved most about this building is the dome on the roof.

"Les Colombages" - never cease to amaze, especially coming from a country so young.

Renne's modern side.

This house is on a slant...

A very cool corner of Rennes I had not seen until he brought me.

Est-ce qu'il y a des Bretons qui puissent me dire ce que cela signifie?

Le jardin du Thabor - big beautiful park in Rennes!

I've visted Thabor before but never saw these tiny huts... they house lots and lots of larger birds.

La Cathédrale de St. Aubin

This may be my favorite photo - such a beautiful view of Place Ste. Anne

He loves statues - this one is in memory of the soldiers of the two World Wars.

I would have never seen this fountain if he hadn't shown me this walk he took one day when I was teaching.

street art on the canal

I love this wall now. Dominic told me it reminded him of all the World War II movies he's seen.

One Response to “Another view of Rennes”

  1. LillianV. February 6, 2012 at 5:23 pm #

    Tout semble tres grand tous les buildings et les maisons.Toutes les couleurs sont jolies!

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